Showing posts with label personality test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personality test. Show all posts

Friday, September 16, 2011

Personality Test: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Myers-Briggs Test
Please answer “yes” or “no” to each question. 
There is no correct answer.  Please answer honestly.

Part A
1.You usually say your opinion (의견) during group discussions (그룹토론 ).
2. You are usually the first person to react (대답) to a sudden phone call or unexpected question (예상치 못한 질문).
3. You would rather sit near the front of the classroom.
4. You feel sad if you don’t see or speak to people often.
5. You feel happy and have more energy after meeting friends.

If you answered Yes to most of the sentences, you are an Extrovert (외향적) (E).    
If you answered no, you are an Introvert (내향적) (I).

Part B:
1. You are more worried (걱정하는) about the future (미래) than the present (현재).
2.  You would rather look at many options.  (You do not act quickly.)
3. Your desk at school is messy (지저분한).
4. You prefer doing a crossword puzzle to making something with your hands
5. You prefer to experiment (실험하다) with things, instead of following traditions (전통을 따르다 ).

If you answered yes, you are Intuitive  (직관형) (N).
If you answered no, you are Sensing (분별형) (S)

Part C:
1. You are not easily affected by (감정적인 영향을 받다) TV soap operas
2. You rarely buy something just because you like it. You carefully consider (고려하다) what you need more than what you like
3. You would take a job promotion (승진), even if you don’t like the work environment (직업환경 )
4. You usually tell people the truth, even if it may hurt their feelings (그들의 감정을 상하게 하다 )
5. You think justice (정의) is more important than mercy (자비)

If you answered yes, you are  Thinking (사고형) (T) 
If you answered no, you are  Feeling (감정형) (F)

Part D:
1. You make lists (목록표) of things to do
2. You are rarely late for appointments and usually schedule things in advance (미리서 일을 계획하다)
3. You like giving instructions (지시하다) to people.
4  You don’t like sudden changes.
5. You don’t like to delay (미루다) work, so you usually complete tasks on time

If you answered yes, you are Judging (판단형) (J)
If you answered no, you are a Perceiving (지각형) (P)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Personality Tests

Personality Test #1:
Imagine you are having  busy day at home. Many things need your attention at one time:
  • Your baby is crying
  • The faucet (tap) is leaking water
  • The phone is ringing
  • Your laundry (clothes) are hanging outside and it will rain soon.
  • Someone is knocking on your door.
What do you do first?