Friday, September 16, 2011

Personality Test: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Myers-Briggs Test
Please answer “yes” or “no” to each question. 
There is no correct answer.  Please answer honestly.

Part A
1.You usually say your opinion (의견) during group discussions (그룹토론 ).
2. You are usually the first person to react (대답) to a sudden phone call or unexpected question (예상치 못한 질문).
3. You would rather sit near the front of the classroom.
4. You feel sad if you don’t see or speak to people often.
5. You feel happy and have more energy after meeting friends.

If you answered Yes to most of the sentences, you are an Extrovert (외향적) (E).    
If you answered no, you are an Introvert (내향적) (I).

Part B:
1. You are more worried (걱정하는) about the future (미래) than the present (현재).
2.  You would rather look at many options.  (You do not act quickly.)
3. Your desk at school is messy (지저분한).
4. You prefer doing a crossword puzzle to making something with your hands
5. You prefer to experiment (실험하다) with things, instead of following traditions (전통을 따르다 ).

If you answered yes, you are Intuitive  (직관형) (N).
If you answered no, you are Sensing (분별형) (S)

Part C:
1. You are not easily affected by (감정적인 영향을 받다) TV soap operas
2. You rarely buy something just because you like it. You carefully consider (고려하다) what you need more than what you like
3. You would take a job promotion (승진), even if you don’t like the work environment (직업환경 )
4. You usually tell people the truth, even if it may hurt their feelings (그들의 감정을 상하게 하다 )
5. You think justice (정의) is more important than mercy (자비)

If you answered yes, you are  Thinking (사고형) (T) 
If you answered no, you are  Feeling (감정형) (F)

Part D:
1. You make lists (목록표) of things to do
2. You are rarely late for appointments and usually schedule things in advance (미리서 일을 계획하다)
3. You like giving instructions (지시하다) to people.
4  You don’t like sudden changes.
5. You don’t like to delay (미루다) work, so you usually complete tasks on time

If you answered yes, you are Judging (판단형) (J)
If you answered no, you are a Perceiving (지각형) (P)

ENFJ: The Giver
STRENGTH: Outstanding leader, adapts well to new environments, always considers others’ feelings, is appreciative and accepting of people, contributes creative ideas.
WEAKNESS: Talks too much, assumes s/he know the needs of others, bossy, avoids confrontation when it needs to be faced, too sensitive to criticism, avoids being alone.
 INFJ: The Protector
STRENGTH: Enjoys helping others, looks at information from a global viewpoint, enjoys change, challenge and variety, promotes harmony and cooperation in groups. Intuitive and private.
WEAKNESS: When under stress; complex personality can be very pessimistic of the future, sees hidden meanings that are really not there, finds faults with everything.
ENFP: The Inspirer
STRENGTH: Interested in development and democracy, idealist, encourages others to change, always looks at a wide range of options, contributes creative ideas and energy to groups
WEAKNESS: When under stress: loses sight of main purpose, starts too many projects and can’t finish them, spends too much time on unimportant details.

 INFP: The Idealist/Healer
STRENGTH:  Very caring, calm and pleasant, honorable, high personal values, sympathetic and compassionate to others, gives good advice, is a good listener and has quiet enthusiasm
WEAKNESS: When under stress: can be out of touch, not fully recognizing reality, can do things in excess. Idealists avoid conflict, even necessary conflict.  Can be perfectionists.
ENTJ: The Executive
STRENGTH:  Extremely responsible and confident, a natural leader, completes tasks on time with high quality, good decision maker, good at sorting out confusion, keeps the team on track.
WEAKNESS: Impatient, over dominating, pushes people too hard, sometimes makes decisions too quickly, often rejects emotions.
INTJ: The Scientist
STRENGTH:  Most confident, makes decisions easily, very logical and organized, always has a sense of direction, seeks to understand the way the world works.
WEAKNESS: Can be stubborn, not expressing appreciation of others, makes errors of fact, does not involve others in decision making, can be very arrogant and stubborn.
ENTP: The Lawyer-Visionary
STRENGTH:  An inventor, clever, very loyal friend, funny, non-conformist, sees information from a global viewpoint, has enthusiastic interest in people and ideas.  They enjoy debate.
WEAKNESS: Starts too many projects and can’t finish them, sometimes makes errors of fact, can express emotions in an uncontrolled way, less moral and more legal, too detail-oriented. They have no patience for people they think are unintelligent.
INTP: The Thinker
STRENGTH:  Concerned with the truth and justice, extremely intellectual, has great skill in language and thought, driving force in life is the search for excellence.  They enjoy systems and puzzles.
WEAKNESS: Does not accept others’ imperfections; changes mind often and suddenly, can express negative emotions.  Often annoyingly correct other people’s small mistakes.
ESTJ: The Guardian
STRENGTH:  Very Strong, logical and objective, hard worker and completes work on time, always tells the truth, acts responsibly and is got at organizing their life.  Honors tradition and efficiency, often a perfect citizen.
WEAKNESS: Can be too blunt, ignores others feelings, does not express emotions well. 
ISTJ: The Dutiful
STRENGTH:  Very dependable, faithful, uses common sense, realistic approach to life, logical, hard-working and always finishes any project that they are given.  Thorough and fact-oriented.
WEAKNESS: Can have a gloomy view of the future, suggests impractical ideas, acts impulsively, uncomfortable with emotion.
ESFJ: The Caregiver
STRENGTH  Most sociable of all types, very warm, social, outstanding host, is appreciative of people, sympathetic and hard worker.
WEAKNESS Sometimes talks too much, neglects their own needs, avoids conflict by not giving criticism.  They need others to like them and be kind to them.  Can be  too controlling.
 ISFJ: The Nurturer
STRENGTH  Very loyal, wants to be of service to others, works hard, maintains good relationships, makes others feel loved.  Values tradition and security.
WEAKNESS Can be too serious, argues, doesn’t always recognize need for change, doesn’t ask for help.  They don’t express emotion, so negative feelings build up inside.
 ESTP: The Do-er
STRENGTH  Enjoys action, enthusiastic, when this person is around things happen, competitive, often uses shock to get attention, excellent negotiator,
WEAKNESS Can act too quickly, materialistic, sometimes has a gloomy view of the future, can be very dramatic.
ESFP: The Performer
STRENGTH  Entertaining, warm and optimistic, friendly, witty, charming, clever and generous, spontaneous, fun, good with animals and children.
WEAKNESS Does not consider the cost of things, overuses humor, acts too quickly, can be irresponsible.
ISTP: The Mechanic

 STRENGTH  This type is fearless, craves excitement, master of tools, always creates action in others, can be an excellent leader.  Adventuresome, logical, and enjoys time alone.

WEAKNESS Can be critical, insensitive to others feelings, sometimes too competitive.  Sometimes explodes in anger, if there is unexpressed emotion built up.
 ISFP: The Artist
STRENGTH  Has keen senses, interested in fine arts, express self through actions, likes to promote harmony, beauty and peace.  Not controlling, works well alone
WEAKNESS Can ignore others feelings, sees hidden meanings that aren’t really there, pessimistic, finds faults with many things.  Doesn’t like being controlled or working with others.

**This lesson was based on one by D.K., A.S. & J.S. Information about the Myers-Briggs Foundation can be found at**

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