Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bromance and other Relationship Vocabulary

We learned about informal vocabulary and language for relationships and friendships.

Starting vocabulary: PDA = Public Displays of Affection

We watched "TL;DR: Public Displays of Affection" from EatYourKimchi.com and discussed PDA between friends in Korea. It is far more common between same-sex friends in Korea than it is in North America. When there is affection between male friends, it's called Bromance. We watched this video by NigaHiga:

Then, we learned many words and language surrounding relationships and friendships.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

AGORA Debate: "Childhood Prostitution and Sex-Trafficking"

"Childhood Prostitution and Sex-Trafficking"
AGORA Debate/Discussion on November 6th, 2011

·         Primary Causes

o        JW: Lack of comprehension of the opposite sex contributes to this problem
as a Confucian society, we have distorted views of the opposite sex
o        SP: 1) Personal, Family, Friendship, School, Social Parts are contribute
personal value distorted; family environmental is unstable, society turns a blind eye Gov’t doesn’t help support the issue
o        MS: Basic unfair relationship between children and adult
o        DY: Children volunteer – entrepreneurship
o        JWon: Traveling to other countries for it – avoiding domestic laws
o        Sejin: Poverty -> supplies. The demand for sex trade is present and poverty creates the supplies.
o        ML: Poverty ~ financial benefits; meeting immediate needs -> developing countries.
Pocket money prostitution in developed countries. <- kids don’t get it
o        SP: Poverty is issue, but indifferent families and inefficient support within the social groups is a major issue.
o        YCY: Social pre-conception. Since the issue is mostly prorogated from a male point of view, it’s a women/children’s issue. Men aren’t getting involved to fight it. Men > women in this power struggle
o        Suji: Poverty & existing laws too weak
o        Sejin: Fertilitiy ratio. Children become a surplus and are devaulued
o        Jwoo: Lack of control and lack of proof
o        MS: Unfair relationship: male centered view of sex.
Women = 2nd gender attached to men. No critical attitude to change these behaviors.
o        WC: Greed of managers and pimps
o        GM: Balance of supply and demand results in men searching for sex
ex: Czech Republic. Legal consequences focus on women who were prostitutes but men were faceless & nameless.
o        Robin: 1) Runaway children with family problems most likely to be victims 2) Financial need.
o        Jwoo – Social network services (Twitter, etc) for developed Countries. Lack control of SMS and other forms social communication.
o        MS: Internet playing a big role. Runaway need. Teenage – pocket $
o        MC: Culture of mass media glamorizing prostitution (cheap, easy). Film industries and porn for film: film industry supplies sex industry.
o        Ho Yeon: Parents don’t have autonomous regulation or knowledge x tech
o        GM: Gov. protects sex industries because of money generated by the sex trade , which pressures the government.
o        SP: Summarize: mass media, open culture for sex.

·         Solutions – Brainstorming

o        JWoo: Lack of comprehension between the sexes – it’s important to have understanding between the sexes. Solution: co-ed schools.
o        DoYeon: Education of parents in developing counties. Psychological and physical support should be provided.
o        Sejin: Education for children; especially women to reduce the fertility rate an income besides producing more children and benefiting from child labor
o        MinSeo: Online – international and national laws need backing
o        SP: There are laws, so let’s be creative in our solutions.
o        JeWoo: Police in the educational system, so create an SMS polics alert system
o        Suji: A few ideas: 1) Government gives poor families a work place 2) Sex education 3) Toughen existing laws
o        JaeWon: Sex tourism is an issue, so the international police system should work with local police. Each nations strengthens its laws and punishes and detains international visitors who violate these laws.
o        DoYeon: Crack down on Sex Spam on the internet
o        SP: Internet can help or hinder with advertisements. There should be an international conference to set the standard for legislation for Children’s Rights. There’s already a UN declaration regarding this.
o        MiLang: 1) Educational authorities should educate children in developed counties so that they know about their rights. 2) Support for the vicitims. Housing and ensure legal support for them. We should support all steps of awareness, prevention and holistic care.
o        SeJin: Need to support families who keep their children in school instead of having them enter the sex trade. Examples include the law and effects in Brazil.
o        YoonHui: Work on male’s perceptions of women and sex.
o        KM: Bioterrorism – it’s more likely to spread disease with the offenders.
o        SP: Laws should protect the victims: they should not be punished for this as a crime.
o        JeWoo: Provide jobs for teenagers as a legal alternative.
o        MS: I agree, co-ed schools should be part of the solution.
o        DY: Children sold into sex-trafficking could be prevented with enhanced border laws. Also, the issue of lust can be controlled with medications that block hormones.
o        GM: Education
o        YM: Swedish legislation reduced prostitution by 60% and the number of customers by 80%. Foreign women trafficked into the country was reduced to 0%. Why? Their supporting funds social funds to help prostitutes instead of criminalizing them, ending the problem and using funds to educate the public
o        Jwoo: Legalizing prostitution. Universal conference – make a united front to prevent the abuse of prostitution
o        SM: School campaign: Compulsory sex education

·         Critique the Reactions & Solutions

o        SP: Police reporting crime is good, but…
o        Jwoo: Education is effective and good and decreases rates. Weakening lust w/ medication is not effective. Affecting revenge for victims is too strict for criminals.
o        Wcul: Jobs for teenagers not effective. No skills, so they’ll be fired and it will cycle.
o        Sejin: Bioterrorism – not a good idea. If something goes wrong problem for mankind. Enhancing borders is a good idea.
o        SM: Facilities is good – give children a good alternative.
o        DY: Int’l conference will result in Int’l conflict because of conflicting interest. Providing jobs for kids can be problematic. Might keep them in the cycle as W.C. mentioned.
o        MR: Allowing children to have jobs won’t help pockethood prostitution & those who give money to family are already worried about money. Example: occupy wallstreet.
o        Suj: Borders – will help but makes travel hard.
o        SP: Int’l enforcement will be helpful.
o        SP: Gov’t giving money to children for school – should gov’t shoulder whole burden? Class discrimination is possible
o        YM: Bioterrorism – more likely to have multiple sexual partners. So this will spread, when after the issue.
o        MS: Make laws stricter. Even Korea’s laws are laz. Even cutting off hands and feet might be an idea to consider. I agree with the idea castration by medication.
o        JeWoo: International human rights must be the same wherever people travel.
o        KM: Regulation of advertisements and email. Putting restricting computer programs can have issues.
o        SP: Coeducation can be a mixed blessing and gives more opportunities for discrimination. At our school, teachers always compare boys’ and girls’ scores.
o        DY: Mass media in international contexts should be regulated. Giving money to poor children as a prevention measure is too ambiguous, since then we have to define what is poor.
o        MS: Police accusing people can endanger children’s rights of being violated in the process.

·         Best of the Solutions

o        JaeWon: One of the causes is children participating because they lack basic needs – they come from poor families. Government should help these families with subsidies, tax breaks, education, medical care, etc, to ease the burden on families.
o        SP: But should just the government shoulder the burden of prevention?
o        JaeWon: No, but they do have more of a role than currently.
o        MS: Lowering taxes for the families is only a short-term solution. Long term would be education and basic infrastructure of society.
o        JaeWon: Government burden increasing is necessary if we want to eradicate the problem. We can allocate part of government income, or we can create foundations to raise they own money for hotels or other infrastructure.
o        MS: I meant giving money will only be a short-term solution. Government should help family make money themselves or by working in an industry.
o        SP: MS said it can be a short term solution but I think that we should use indirect & direct solutions.
o        SP: Strong support system between  family, government & int’l organization would be ideal. Give aid to families with int’l organizations overseas partnering with local enforcement to keep it “clean”. Government in system should oversee education  offer consultation for families. Efficiently use private organizations to help poor & offer incentives for private companies to take part with exact and creative standards.
o        Sejin: What incentives for companies to stop child prostitution do you recommend?
o        SP: It’s an indirect solution that focuses on poverty instead. Advertisement, etc.
o        DY: International organizations and creative/strict standards?
o        SP: Policies, especially at the local level, can be influenced or not feasible but international can help oversee.
o        Jwoo: I recommend policies to make families more independent rather than on support
o        SP: You think families could be too dependent?
o        Jwoo: Yes.
o        SP: Direct & indirect solutions. Education from government can help families be more independent.
o        MS: I disagree  families can become too dependent.
Also – there is a constant demand for prostitution - men need it. After families use government aid they won’t leave cycle.
o        SP: Government campaign can be a solution.
o        MS: I like private company solution – it can be helpful, but I think giving aid won’t break the cycle.
o        SP: This is not detailed – it’s just a form I am recommending, not details.
o        Suji: I think it’s similar – int’l funding for poor families. Should be int’l vs. national/region b/c  then there’s no way to make sure $/resources are efficient/effective
o        Jwon: Why does it have to be int’l. Why can’t nat’l govt do it properly?
o        Suji: Politics, like in Kotrs, make the issue less clear. They just ignore the idea of funding, maybe. Int’l will be more informed to people & more active.
o        SP: Int’l can be good, but the range of support is ambiguous
o        Sejin: You mentioned that local politics can be ineffective, isn’t int’l just as difficult to get people to approve?
o        Suji: But they can be more effective for funding.
o        Jwoo: Int’l funding for this will be inefficient – it’s too large. Starting regional/national might be more efficient.
o        Suji: I think nat’l & regional progress will not be effective – more efficient, maybe, but starting big & getting more people behind it will help make it effective.
o        MS: I think int’l is good b/c you get a broader audience. We can solve the problem in many places rather than just one. Example we learned a lot from researching this.  This is because countries like Sweden have good solutions, so int’l attention via int’l funding could have good effects.
o        SP: There could be some discrimination - $ attributes to each country could be unfair - & it’s ambiguous.
o        Suji: Why discrimination?
o        SP: The $ distributed to countries/families will be unequal.
o        M: I think int’l funding is a good idea. The countries that suffer from it are usually poor & other countries can help fund.
o        DY: Solve from bottom up. World Vision and other NGOs. Govt should implement shelters and education for children and parents to create solid sex culture.
o        Suji: I agree that not just children but also parents. Lack of quality education is one of the main causes.
o        Sejin: Changing the culture is a good idea. One of the basics is the wrong cultural assumptions: unfair inequalities between children and adults, males and females.
o        Jaewon: what are ways to promote sound sex cultures?
o        DY: Assemble adults in shelters & give education about how child prostitution is bad. Get right concepts about sex.
o        Jwon: Through mass media? Movies? TV
o        DY: Yes, but that’s a gov’t issue especially since poorer countries/families affected are more removed from mass culture. 
o        ML: Frequent int’l labor reforms & conferences to enforce laws & be more active in prosecuting. These conferences even have symbolic meaning  that puts pressure on individual governments.
o        DY: Good in long run, but conflicting interests will be present. Ex: legalizing prostitution
o        ML: Different interests, but dialogue is valuable.
o        Jwoo: All humans with same values, even if countries have different traditions w/ prostitution.
o        Sujin: Direct & indirect consequences. Direction will involve more strict punishment, maybe not cutting off hands & feet, but chemical castration & jail time
Indirect – education school subsidies. Women’s rights, equality, fertility. Might sound like it costs too much but it is a good long-term solution/investment in a country’s future.
o        DY: Fertility rates.
o        Sujin: Might sound harsh: but might devalue children in a family.
o        Yoonhui: Sweden has succeeded in eliminating sex crimes by punishing men, protecting women, subsidizing women’s in exist prostitution. It also has the highest level of women @ all levels of govt. Basically: change it for men & women.
o        SH: Are we considering victims? Campaign for students & sound conceptions of sex. Only 2 times a year do we have sex education in Korea – but kids are bad. We need more practical & effective education @ all levels, especially earlier in our education.
o        KM: Gov’t needs a lot of $ to improve quality of edu. But sex industry is a major source income for countries.
o        DY: How would it be diff from what we get now in the auditorium for school assemblies?
o        SP: I think it’s a good idea. Understanding this source is difficult & changing culture is impossible.
o        SH: Raise w/ right concept of sex will help them to be a right person.
o        JWOO: All humans are same. Shouldn’t we learn we’re all the same by living & not education or a campaign. Don’t you think that makes it more awkward?
o        KM: Restrict the harmful behavior ~ men who purchase sex are more likely to have more sexual partners. In my opinion, they need it without a relationship. The sex industry is so lucrative that it can pressure the government. Children enter the field from poverty and of education – they can’t afford schooling. Lowering fertility rate – parents can afford to educate. As % of children enrolled in school goes up, children involved in prostitution goes down.
o        DY: Lowering fertility rate can be contrary to religion/culture
o        KM: If that’s not possible, than gov’t restriction is best solution.