The English Debate Club (AGORA) at Sadaebugo aims to improve students' English speaking skills through discussion about various topics. Students will debate in a variety of formats and eventually hope to compete against other schools.

We meet during the scheduled club activity time on Wednesdays.

For information about AGORA's first year, see this page.


March 21 - Club introduction & impromptu debate on fast food chains on school campuses
March 28 - "Apples to Apples" game warm-up & debate on "the shut down rule"

May 9 - Introduction of MUN protocol & language
May 23 - "Story-building" game warm-up & debate about reading period
May 30 - Practice MUN protocol & language with activity sheets

June 21 - MUN-styled debate on "What should be the role of the international community in domestic disputes?"

July 11 - MUN-styled debate on "What characteristics make a good city?"