Saturday, September 24, 2011

Introvert and Extrovert Leader Debate

On Introverts, Extroverts and Leadership
September 24th, 2011

(led by Lee Je Woo, transcript provided by Miss Morrow. She apologizes for any misquotes. Initials are provided when possible, but may be incorrect. If you wish to have your name/initials removed, contact Miss Morrow).

 We started watching this EBS Video around 10:30:
The whole series is interesting. I encourage you to watch it during your own time

1)    Are you and introvert or an extrovert?

LJW: Introvert. JSJ: Not sure. Extro, intro? KSJ: Introvert. LKM: Half and half. When I see my friends, I want to join them, but sometimes I prefer to be alone. LWC: Extrovert; I like talking. YHY: Introvert. KJW: I think most people have both sides, especially when people are afraid of speaking in front of others. Everyone has both, it’s just whatever’s most dominant.

2)    What are some of the good or bad things of being introverted or extroverted?

LJW: When I can’t speak well, sometimes I feel lonely; I’m bad at expressing myself, but I think deeply before speaking. It’s better to have more time to enjoy my hobbies.
: I’m an extrovert, so I’m friendly but sometimes I hurt people because I speak too directly.
: I’m an introvert. This makes me a good listener. I tend to be more serious. Disadvantages: I don’t have a sense of humor and I find it difficult to help my friends when they have a hard time.
: I am both an introvert and an extrovert. I have broader relationships with others, but I don’t have much time to think about myself.
KDY: I’m an extrovert. I like to go out and chat. This is good because I have lots of friends and some humor. Sometimes it’s bad because I don’t think too much before talking, so sometimes I go too far when talking with friends and I waste a lot of studying time.

3)    Have you ever been a leader? Why did you want to be one?

LJW:  I wanted to be a leader because their voices are heard, listened to, they get to make decisions, and I thought I could change myself from being introverted to extroverted. It worked.
KMS: Me, too. I was a class leader for three years. At first it was difficult. I knew that I had critical ideas but I was shy to share them. But then as a leader I became more extroverted. I learned more about people, but maybe became more like a dictator, so now I’m an extrovert trying to become more of an introvert.
CML: I’m an introvert, so I listen well, but I have a more difficult time being humorous. I’m changing a little.
PSH: I had no time to be a leader in middle school, but I envied my class leader, so I determined to be a leader and interact with more people.
LKM: I was a leader in elementary school, but not in middle/high school. In elementary school, I was really excited and enjoyed having an elevated heartbeat. I liked to present in front of an audience, but in MS/HS, it can be dangerous. A leader can be a really important role, so I didn’t do it.
KDY: I was also a leader in elementary school, but I preferred to step back and see what leaders are doing. It’s too stressful, but I like to lead group projects.
KSJ: Last year I was the vice-leader of the 1-6 class. I did it because I’d never had the chance in middle school, but in H.S. it was a big step to becoming more like an extrovert. I felt really nervous, but it was a chance to learn a lot and get some great experiences. It was a great opportunity.

4)    Difficulties of being a leader

LWJ: In my case, sometimes I must ask my classmates to correct their behavior, which sounds like a command, which is bad. And I must be very careful not to break rules, even when I’m just having fun.
KMS: I tend to break rules. A lot. And I get noticed by teachers a lot. As a leader, responsibility means greater punishment. Also, leaders have to listen to 40 different opinions and should embrace them all.
JSJ: Choosing an opinion to suit everyone is hard. There is no definite right or wrong way to do something ,but you have to do your best.
PSH: Taking responsibility is tough and going o the teacher to hear about everything. Some have loud voices, some have quiet, but they all have opinions and you should make decisions for them all.
CML: They expect president/v.president to do everything for them, especially cleaning. They try to avoid their own responsibility.
PSH: I represent the class, even I don’t think so, so I shouldn’t sleep in class.

5)    Which makes a better leader: an introvert or an extrovert?

KSJ: Introverts ,because they prepare more because they are more nervous. And introverts understand other introverts, so they know other people aren’t always confident talking, but want their opinions heard. It’s not a disadvantage, and you can get more comfortable as a leader. You can get over the abilities you lack, but the skill set for being a leader is very large, so there are many things that introverts do that can help them be good leaders.
: I agree that an introvert can be a good leader, but extroverts can be a better one. Being a leader means standing in front, and extroverts can be good at encouraging others. Introverts can be good about caring about others, but sometimes you need to be harsh.
LWC: Introverted can do things well in their own way. People can lead with whatever style.
KMS: I think a leader’s most important ability is to communicate with others, extracting potential and ideas from other people. Drawing out ideas and opinions of others is an important trait. Some say that introverts can communicate in other ways, but real understanding comes from face-to-face talking. So I think the talking ability of extroverts is a great advantage. Introverts pass up on chances to know others because they are shy. Also, sometimes they are more likely to make decisions more slowly, but good fast decision skills are important.
YH: I think face-to-face is the basic way to have communication with others. Extroverted people can act more quickly, especially with sudden happenings or surprising events. I think being extroverted is more beneficial.
M.L.: Before discussion, I thought being extroverted was more beneficial, but after the video and discussion, I think introverted is better because I think they spend more time to make a better decision for everyone. An extrovert might be too active and people may not be comfortable following them.
SP:I agree – an extroverted leader can be too active, but I think a CEO should have a lot of experience. I think an introvert might be good at thinking, but not have as many experiences.
HY: Extroversion is better. Lots of people have opinions and in order to gather and make decisions, you need to be tough and sometimes hard, and I think extroverts tend to be those things more.
KM: I think different situations call for different types of leaders. But I think extroverts might be better. I prefer democratic leadership, so they must communicate and here in a way that is effective and fair. What comes from the heads of all people is better than what comes from the mind of one.
DY: Extroverts have more courage to infuriate and encourage other people’s voices and/or quiet voices that are too loud. Introverts tend to listen more, but I think that can be too confusing.
JSJ: Out of the two different personalities, introverts tend to be more logical and extroverts are usually more emotionally. I think extroverts’ best ability is to inspire people in one direction for something. It’s better to have the big picture rather than many small details.
PSH: I agree but I think responsibility and capability are the most important. I think extroverts have greater advantages to be a leader easily. I think either personality can be a great leader, but extroverts find it easier to be a great one.

Friday, September 23, 2011


**Originally played in July**

Mafia is a role-playing game. Everyone has a role and makes decisions based upon their role.

Game Process
In the game, there are "nights" and "days." During nighttime, everyone sleeps. Some roles wake up during the night. During the day, everyone wakes up and the Narrator tells us who died. Then everyone must try to find out who is the Mafia, have a trial, and execute them.

Narrator/MC is in charge of telling people what happens next
Mafia vs. Everyone else

  • Mafia – choose person to die each day
  • Doctor – choose one person to save each day
  • Police – choose one person to “investigate” (ask the MC if he/she is mafia)
  • Townspeople – nothing special
Miss Morrow's Crazy Rules & Roles
  • Super Mafia - one of the Mafia players who also picks an extra person to die each turn. Goal: be the last Mafia alive.
  • Terrorist - a townsperson. If this person dies, they pick someone else who also dies.
  • Sniper - townsperson who can kill one player, just once
  • Mayor - elected by the townspeople who gets 2x for executions (this person can be Townsperson, Mafia, or any other role!!!)
  • Matchmaker - townsperson at the beginning of game picks two "Lovers"
  • Lovers - picked by the Matchmaker, if one Lover dies, the other one also dies. Their goal is to keep each other alive.(Lovers can also be Mafia or any other role!!). 
How to Play & How to Win
  • Repeat the night time/day time cycle
  • Mafia win when they outnumber the townspeople
  • Townspeople win when the mafia have all died
  • Super Mafia wins by killing all the townspeople AND being the only mafia member leftž
  • Lovers win by both staying alive

Friday, September 16, 2011

Personality Test: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Myers-Briggs Test
Please answer “yes” or “no” to each question. 
There is no correct answer.  Please answer honestly.

Part A
1.You usually say your opinion (의견) during group discussions (그룹토론 ).
2. You are usually the first person to react (대답) to a sudden phone call or unexpected question (예상치 못한 질문).
3. You would rather sit near the front of the classroom.
4. You feel sad if you don’t see or speak to people often.
5. You feel happy and have more energy after meeting friends.

If you answered Yes to most of the sentences, you are an Extrovert (외향적) (E).    
If you answered no, you are an Introvert (내향적) (I).

Part B:
1. You are more worried (걱정하는) about the future (미래) than the present (현재).
2.  You would rather look at many options.  (You do not act quickly.)
3. Your desk at school is messy (지저분한).
4. You prefer doing a crossword puzzle to making something with your hands
5. You prefer to experiment (실험하다) with things, instead of following traditions (전통을 따르다 ).

If you answered yes, you are Intuitive  (직관형) (N).
If you answered no, you are Sensing (분별형) (S)

Part C:
1. You are not easily affected by (감정적인 영향을 받다) TV soap operas
2. You rarely buy something just because you like it. You carefully consider (고려하다) what you need more than what you like
3. You would take a job promotion (승진), even if you don’t like the work environment (직업환경 )
4. You usually tell people the truth, even if it may hurt their feelings (그들의 감정을 상하게 하다 )
5. You think justice (정의) is more important than mercy (자비)

If you answered yes, you are  Thinking (사고형) (T) 
If you answered no, you are  Feeling (감정형) (F)

Part D:
1. You make lists (목록표) of things to do
2. You are rarely late for appointments and usually schedule things in advance (미리서 일을 계획하다)
3. You like giving instructions (지시하다) to people.
4  You don’t like sudden changes.
5. You don’t like to delay (미루다) work, so you usually complete tasks on time

If you answered yes, you are Judging (판단형) (J)
If you answered no, you are a Perceiving (지각형) (P)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

AGORA: "Should Palestine Become an Independent State?"

“Should Palestine Become an Independent State
Selections from the debate by AGORA at Sadaebugo
3rd of September, 2011

: It would be a big problem for peace in the Arab states. It would be ruled by Hamas, which is very hostile to Arabs.
: We should respect Palestine’s rights. Basically what they call Israel is invaders.
: Do you know what Hamas is? It’s Palestine’s armed political party. It is interrupting peace negotiations between Palestine and Israel.
: People oppose [the creation of a state] because Palestine is violent and not a fixed government.
: Should we upset the Bible’s promises of Israel? There was the diaspora, then the Holocaust, the UN helped create Israel and agreed that it should be a state, but there were people there already, so three more wars ensued.
: Did they have a nation there before? After WWI, England made a promise to Israel and to Palestine.
: If Palestine has their own government, now they merely need land?
: This is not an easy issue because it’s related to religion, too. Fighting over Jerusalem is often a religious issue. Strong counties are staying quiet and don’t want to get involved. The U.S., however, supports Israel.
: Other counties need to step in. Israel’s claims and evidence are questionable. England made promises when Palestine was actually just a colony and its rights were trampled. This was done because of guilt associated with the Holocaust.
: How are we to solve this? Should we leave them alone or intervene? What is the best way to pursue peace?
: Like how should land be divided?
: Do we leave it? Or do we create 2 and leave Jerusalem alone?
: I wouldn’t be very happy dividing it; it’s a very sensitive issue as a religious site.
: Palestine wants Jerusalem included, as well, because of its own religion. But the world can’t settle the religious issues at hand – they have to work it out themselves. Maybe keep Jerusalem neutral?
: There will be more conflicts and war. Now there is no government, but if there is, they could war over it.
: Arab countries historically don’t give rights to Jews. Saudi Arabia doesn’t even let them become citizens, but Israel is better at integrating Arabs. We should support Israel in finding a solution on this issue.
: So you don’t agree? Palestine shouldn’t be its own country.
: No, it has its rights. Actually, Israel ignored a lot of UN resolutions by building illegal settlements in the occupied area.
: It’s really tricky!